Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Set time to automatically run any application

Judith Skeen has her lunch break at 12 noon and she wants to be able to make solitaire auto run at a set time which is 12:05.

I’m going to explain how you can be able to do this
first you click on "start" then you go and click on "Control panel" which a control panel window will appear and if your not in the right area you will have to click on "Switch to classic view" if that's not in the box in the left hand side then you are fine. after you have done this you have to go into the "scheduled tasks" folder then click on "Scheduled task wizard, the task wizard should show up and you have to "Click next" then you select "Solitaire" from the applications list and click "Next" then you have to click "Daily" and go "Next" again, type in the time you want or use the arrows which is 12:05 the click "next", you will have to type in your username and password for it to do it on your login and the click “finish" and you should have a window that look looks like the screenshot in the screenshot in the top left.

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