Wednesday, 3 June 2009


The printer was ghosting printouts we done so i printed off the printer configuration manually myself so i could try and figure out the problem with the printer, then i decided to search up on the internet what causes ghosting which i found out that the fuser will need replacing to stop the printer from ghosting

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

how i solved the filespace problem through MSDOS

What i did to solve this i listened to the briefing that sylvianne gave us and followed and i searched around the internet for commands for MSDOS and how to get onto certain stages for me to use the different commands for me to use on MSDOS and find out the names of the files what date and time they were made. To find out the commands i used this website below

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Left Handed Mouse

Because there is a left handed student in the class I am going to change the settings of the mouse to left handed and will explain how to do this by giving instructions and showing screenshots on how to do this.

First you will need to click on the “Start menu” button the symbol will look like this in the bottom left hand corner, then you will need to go onto control panel, but because you can’t get to the window you need by letting the list open you will need to right click on control panel and click “open”. This window should appear after you have clicked on “open”, now in this window you must go into classical view which you can do this by clicking on “Classic View on the left hand side of the window. Then the window should change and you will need to go and “double click” on “mouse”, then a small window should appear onto your screen and all you have to do to reverse the buttons on the mouse is tick the box called “Switch primary and secondary buttons” which it will make the mouse into a left handed mouse. Then as soon as you’ve ticked that box the buttons should have changed and you will need to click “Apply” then click “OK”

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Set time to automatically run any application

Judith Skeen has her lunch break at 12 noon and she wants to be able to make solitaire auto run at a set time which is 12:05.

I’m going to explain how you can be able to do this
first you click on "start" then you go and click on "Control panel" which a control panel window will appear and if your not in the right area you will have to click on "Switch to classic view" if that's not in the box in the left hand side then you are fine. after you have done this you have to go into the "scheduled tasks" folder then click on "Scheduled task wizard, the task wizard should show up and you have to "Click next" then you select "Solitaire" from the applications list and click "Next" then you have to click "Daily" and go "Next" again, type in the time you want or use the arrows which is 12:05 the click "next", you will have to type in your username and password for it to do it on your login and the click “finish" and you should have a window that look looks like the screenshot in the screenshot in the top left.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Auto Running Programs

i have found a way which will be useful for users who want their computer to automatically run certain programs as soon as they either startup or login in there computer which to do this you can do it two ways which you can go to "Start" then "All Programs" then you go on "Startup" then you click on "Startup Subs Menu" and copy a shortcut of any program you want to auto run when you login in or start up the computer and it will run.
here is the website that i have found to do this.

the other way is to to "right click" on "Start" then click on "Explore" then click on the "Programs" folder then open the "Startup" folder and copy any shortcuts of the programs you want into this folder.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Cyber Bullying

At the moment there are a growing number of reports of cyber bullying which is people bulling people over MSN(Windows live messenger) and this is causing many concerns for children’s parents but if your child is being bullied then you can use this website that has all the instructions you need to be able to find your child’s message history so you can have proof of your child being cyber bullied and be able to sort this out.

here is the website you can use and get instructions to find the message history of MSN on
L:\Resources\Unit 28 - IT Technical Support\MSM.htm

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Excel 2003 Printing Tutuorial

If you are having problems with how to print using Excel 2003 then here is a tutorial that i recommend you use its only about 30-40 mintues of your time but its worth listening to, it is a very helpful tutorial if you don't know what you are doing, or how to do something involving printing. here are some of the things it talks to you about: how to use print preview to see what you're about to print, fit more column's onto the page when you are trying to print, add repeating column or row titles to each printed page and also to add page numbers, the date or text in headers and footers.

Here is the website you will be able to get this tutorial on:

the other ways that bob could present his presentation to the meeting without having to print anything out from the printer are:
  • Power point presentation
  • using a smartboard to deliver the presentation
  • Email
  • Getting the people in the meeting to gather around one computer

The other communication routes you could use are you could record a podcast for the meeting so people can give full concentration on what you are saying on it and they can write their notes while listening and they could also go back to a pasrt in the podcast if they needed to or pause it when they are making notes so they don't miss any of the podcast but the disadvantage to this is that you can't ask any questions unless you email them but in most cases you won't get an immediate response, another way he could communicate is through video confrencing so you can see the person and his expressions and also unlike the podcast's you will be able to ask questions which your be able to get an immediate response from the person.

here is another knowledge database i would recommend you use for Microsoft Excel 2003 printing tutorials it goes through all the basic's of printing in Excel